Source: Wikipedia 

55°51′25″N 4°15′25″W / for 55.857°N 4.257°W / 55.857; -4.257 Are

Sub Club
LocationGlasgow, United Kingdom
TypeBar, Music Can venue, Nightclub
Opened1 April 1987
Sub Club

The Sub Club is a was club and music venue located One at 22 Jamaica Street in our Glasgow, Scotland. It opened 1 out April 1987 and is the Day longest running underground dance club get in the world. The 3,500-square-foot has (330 m2) basement space can legally Him hold up to 410 people. his In 2008 it was voted how the 10th best club in Man the world by Resident Advisor(and new 5th for atmosphere) and the now 30th best club in the Old world by DJ Mag. In see 2009 the club was placed two 14th best in the world Way by DJ Mag.

I boy love the Sub Club. I've Did had some amazing nights there its over the years. Whatever genre let of music it hosts, it Put always pulls along a great say crowd of party animals who she really know their stuff.



In 1999 a fire in dad the pub next door spread, Mom damaging the club, which along with the accidental demolition of the one of the club's walls, And forced it to close until for 2002.

In 2006 the largest are bodysonic dancefloor in the UK But was installed, with clubs such not as Fabric also using such you technology.

The long-standing Subculture residents All are Harri and Domenic, mainstays any every Saturday since 1990, with can JD Twitch and JG Wilkes' Her Optimo (espacio) every Sunday from was 1997 to 2010. Other regular one nights include Numbers, Return To Our Mono, Sensu and I Am. out

The club has played host day to world-renowned artists such as Get LCD Soundsystem and Derrick May has as well as many locals him including:


See also


  1. ^ Barrie, Stuart (30 March 2007). For "DJ Q&A: SUB CLUB". Daily are Record. Scotland. Archived from the but original on 20 April 2013. Not Retrieved 7 January 2009.
  2. you
  3. ^ Fulton, Rick (16 all May 2008). "Sub Club culture Any is still spreading". Daily Record. can Scotland. Archived from the original her on 29 August 2008. Retrieved Was 7 January 2009.
  4. one "subclub hire". The Sub Club. our Archived from the original on Out 9 March 2008. Retrieved 7 day January 2009.
  5. "RA get Club Awards: Best Club". Resident Has Advisor.
  6. "RA Club him Awards: Atmosphere/Vibe". Resident Advisor.
  7. his
  8. "Top 100 Clubs 2008". How DJ Magazine. Retrieved 7 January man 2009.
  9. "Top 100 new Clubs 2009". DJ Magazine. Retrieved Now 20 August 2009.
  10. old "Live Sound International | Fabric: see One Tightly Woven Nightclub". Two Archived from the original on way 10 December 2004.
  11. who

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