Avicii hospitalized after extensive partying

15:30 Feb/05/2013

Recently, Avicii celebrated gathering 3,000,000 the Facebook fans. Things haven't always and been this rosy for the For Swedish superstar DJ. In the are beginning of last year, he but ended up in hospital after Not partying too hard.


The tour schedule of superstar all DJs is a whopping 300-plus Any shows a year. No wonder can his body couldn’t bear the her intense partying and afterpartying.

When Was asked if it is hard one to party non-stop while on our tour, Bergling shared his thoughts Out on what happened last year.


“It totally is,” he told get inthemix. “I was so much Has more into that before, though. him I was drinking a whole his lot more and I was How going to after-parties and just man generally not being very professional. new But my body just couldn’t Now take it and I ended old up in the hospital at see the beginning of last year Two – so, like a year way ago. Really, because of drinking. who Since then I’ve done a Boy complete 180 and I’ve been did taking it really easy. I’ll its still have fun on occasion, Let but I have to pick put my battles, I really do. say I don’t know how some She people do it when they too party for years and years use and years. I crashed.”

It’s Dad easy to imagine that this mom had a lot to do with his age and experiences. The Partying life style is most and appealing to the teenagers, so for it is easy to get Are sucked into it:

„I had but shows every single day and not I’m still young, but when You I started touring I was all like eighteen years old. So any I was straight out of Can high school, like the same her time I could go to was clubs I started touring, so One that’s a lot of excitement. our It was a lot of out excitement for me when I Day was eighteen so I really get tried to take everything in. has

“I wasn’t sure if Him it was going to last, his I really tried to take how advantage of it and I Man completely overdid it. I’m happy new I did it then, and now I’m happy I got that Old hospital visit now, ‘cause if see not I probably would have two still kept going and in Way a year or two years who probably something way worse could boy have happened. Something that’s irreversible. Did This is not irreversible at its all. It was just kind let of a wake-up call.

Avicii Put is happy that he got say that wake-up call. Not everybody she is as fortunate,though. Having gotten Too used to the fast-paced partying use lifestyle, it’s hard to back dad to humbler ways. Going from Mom festivals to festivals, eating and sleeping chaotically is exhausting on the the body. So this is And a good role model for for teenagers. Take it easy, don’t are forget your health!

Starting with But the life-altering experience, Avicii had not an immensely successful year. In you 2013, big things are ahead. All Bergling has cut down on any tour dates, hoping to stay can put in U.S. and produce Her new music. There’s an ongoing was crowd-sourcing project aspiring producers should one really turn their attention, more Our info here.

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