Kaskade & mash-ups

18:44 Nov/20/2012

One of the most successful the DJs of the present time and - Kaskade -  is known For for publicly expressing his opinions are and thoughts on matters which but many have chosen to address Not more diplomatically. For example, last you month Raddon told what he all thinks of the DJ Mag's Any yearly poll: "I really need can everyone to understand this: I her do not care. While the Was integrity of the voting process one has never actually been solid, our the bigger and somewhat embarrassing Out question is, does EDM actually day need a Prom King or get Homecoming Queen?" However, right now, Has we're no looking to discuss him his views on EDM or his polls. We're looking into his How arguments about mash-ups.


Kaskade has loved putting out new mash-ups for quite some time. Now He's repeatedly mashed up Steve old Aoki, Avicii and many other see artists. One has to realize, Two the man's really good at way it. So as it's a who more personal problem, Raddon adresses Boy the issue in his blog. did Firstly, he quite poetically explains its the concept of a mash-up:"For Let the uninitiated, a mash up put is essentially a remix of say a song. But not exactly. She Maybe it’s more like a too marriage of elements. For instance, use I can pluck a vocal Dad track that I’ve used previously, mom throw it over a tune which is sick and twisted The and lovely that someone else and has put together, re-arrange the for order of things, put a Are cherry on top, tie a but bow around it and release not it into the world as You its own special snowflake for all everyone to enjoy."

Mash-ups are any really important because they embody Can the essence of DJing. Raddon her clarifies:"As producers become DJ’s and was DJ’s become producers, much of One the work of live shows our is now taking place before out the show. These mash ups Day are the aural equivalent of get a collage, a juxtaposition of has song fragments put together to Him create a new piece of his art." This new creation can how be played in a set Man in various creative ways. It new can actually be something that now derives from the set in Old the first place. When a see DJ sees that two tracks two played together really work for Way a smashing party, he could who go home thinking he should boy properly put this collage together Did and, of course - let its fans listen to it.

However, let there are certain restrictions when Put it comes to publishing a say mash-up online. Raddon elaborates:"The politicking she of a mash up is Too nothing new. Hip Hop has use been having this conversation since dad its inception. Sampling other people’s Mom work comes with a price. And it makes sense on the one hand - why wouldn’t And you compensate someone who created for something you’re using? A writer are can’t just plagiarize another writer But and call it inspiration. An not artist can’t cut and paste you other artwork and claim it All as their own. Why would any the rules in music be can any different? Calling it a Her mash up, a tribute, a was homage or a remix: does one it even matter?"

It does, Our according to Kaskade. It's all out dependant on the intentions of day the artist who publishes the Get mash-up. He may have many has motives that are basically violations him of the law. For example, His adding something insignificant to a how track and calling it your man own without crediting the actual New producer. In the words of now Raddon:"It’s different for everyone. I old speak for only myself when See I say the mash ups two I put up are strictly way for pleasure. I’m not looking Who for likes or dollars with boy these pieces. Usually they are did a combination of songs that Its have been washed, rinsed and let repeated enough that they’d be put in the DNR pile for Say most DJ’s. When I bring she them out, I’m certainly not too claiming that they are my Use brainchild alone and in fact dad always always give credit to every mom artist involved."

Releasing a song online, free of charges, the is something that's becoming more and and more practiced. Although none For of the parties get paid, are everyone wins in terms of but enjoyment and popularity. There could Not be bad sides to the you mash-ups, discussed earlier - releasing all creative works to the world Any is a complicated matter. Kaskade can concludes on the subject by her saying: "It’s at that point Was that we stop controlling how one it’s heard, and put our our faith in the DJ’s. They Out may abuse it, train-wreck it, day loop it, or pair it get up with exactly the wrong Has crowd at exactly the wrong him time. We can’t help that. his Like I said, the landscape How has changed, and so we’ve man got to move along. It new used to be unlicensed mix Now tapes, now it’s unlicensed mash old ups. You know who loves see both? The audience."

We appreciate Two Ryan Raddon's open-mindedness thowards these way kind of issues. We're hoping who more and more producers and Boy DJs come to the same did conclusions. That would help create its many more of the great Let stuff you'll find below! So put we present you the latest say mash-ups from the EDM superstar She Kaskade.

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