Best ID3 Tag Editor

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Best ID3 Tag Editor
Posted on: 01.11.2013 by Catheryn Airola
I'm looking for software that will essentially allow me to mass edit ID3 tags, assign album art, etc. I have organized my library in Explorer instead of in Traktor or iTunes. I figure that this is the easiest, most cross platform friendly, way of organizing music. I despise using iTunes because I feel like it adds an unnecessary step to the process of organizing, cataloging, scanning and playing music.

I'm a Nazi about keeping names organized, free of links, etc. I can't clean up the ID3 tags themselves from Explorer in Mac, though. I need something that will get to the bottom of this.

Does anyone know of a good ID3 tag editor that YOU have experience with? I've tried a few out that I've found online but they were all nothing to call home about/were too costly/didn't work well.
Loyd Cilek
Originally Posted by SlayForMoney
And again.
And again.
Isa Erik
Originally Posted by Patch

And again.
Catheryn Airola
I'm looking for software that will essentially allow me to mass edit ID3 tags, assign album art, etc. I have organized my library in Explorer instead of in Traktor or iTunes. I figure that this is the easiest, most cross platform friendly, way of organizing music. I despise using iTunes because I feel like it adds an unnecessary step to the process of organizing, cataloging, scanning and playing music.

I'm a Nazi about keeping names organized, free of links, etc. I can't clean up the ID3 tags themselves from Explorer in Mac, though. I need something that will get to the bottom of this.

Does anyone know of a good ID3 tag editor that YOU have experience with? I've tried a few out that I've found online but they were all nothing to call home about/were too costly/didn't work well.
Lakeesha Storman
I use foobar2000, but only because I use aiff files and mp3tag doesn't support aiff. If it did, I'd use mp3tag, but foobar isn't bad by any means.
Loyd Cilek
Originally Posted by SlayForMoney
And again.
And again.
Isa Erik
Originally Posted by Patch

And again.
Brunilda Kora


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