Reply to Denon MC3000 custom mapping available

Denon MC3000 custom mapping available
I've just remapped the MC3000 for Traktor Pro 2.5.1 and it's available here:


Mapping features:

- 4 fx units including fx assign, mode select and effect type.
- 4 smart knobs per deck.
- 2 banks of smart buttons for beat mashing per deck.
- Hotcues in play or stutter mode.
- Remix slot parameters.
- Beatgridding tools.
- Browsing controls.
- Snap, Quantize, Record and Crossfader controls.
- Layout and resizing options.
- Good LED feedback.
- Disco mode!!

There are several banks of fx and button mashing controls that haven't been assigned yet. I'm hoping other users might get involved in developing and improving the mapping by adding further effects and features.

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