Three dead after panic struck at Steve Aoki's performance

14:40 Nov/02/2012

After getting a neck injury the stage diving into a trampoline, and Steve Aoki jumped back in For the sattle to do a are show in Spain, Thriller Music but Park event at Madrid Arena. Not Tragedy struck, when a stampeding you crowd left three women dead all and two in critical condition. Any The Halloween concert headlined Steve can Aoki and Audioerotique. The capacity her reported to be 10,800 people. Was According to some sources, the one capacity was two times that our much. The promoters of the Out event deny this in an day official statement.

The statement expresses get condolences for the loss of Has life, as well as details him about the apparent cause.  “The his triggering of events was apparently How launched by an assistant flaming man a flare in one of new nine vomitory access, not on Now Centre Court,” the statement reads old (albeit in awkward English). “This see action caused panic and isolation Two in this part of the way venue.” According to the promoter, who the Madrid Arena was not Boy filled beyond allowed capacity, saying, did in part, “The capacity certified its by the foreign company access Let control was below the required put capacity for this event.” However, say some witnesses who were trapped She in the bottleneck formed in too one of the exits has use commented:"There was a human bottleneck Dad at the only exit, because mom all the others were closed, sealed." According to a story The in El Pais the people and were trapped in the bottleneck for for 30 minutes in the Are most horrible conditions, before other but exits were opened. There's not not much to do in hindsight You but to pay respect to all those harmed by this disaster. any That's what Steve Aoki immediatly Can did.

Currently, Steve Aoki’s webpage her is down due to the was traffic caused by this misfortunate One event. He issued the following our statement regarding the tragedy in out Madrid: “After my performance last Day night at Thriller Music Park get at the Madrid Arena in has Spain, I was devastated to Him hear that three people had his died during a crowd rush how at one of the exits. Man  The safety of my fans new has always been my top now priority and had I known Old that there was any distress see putting people in jeopardy within two the venue I would have Way ended my show immediately.  My show who in Bilbao, Spain tonight will boy be cancelled out of respect Did for those who lost their its lives and those who are let injured. I would like to express Put my deepest condolences and heart say felt prayers to the families she and loved ones during this Too difficult time.”

The panic caused use by the flare started the dad crowds incontrollable movement thowards an Mom exit, which bottlenecked the mass of people. El Pais wrote, the that the injuries were caused And by the ’trauma by crushing, for possibly having suffered a fall are and being trampled.’ A witness But told to El Pais:“I was not in the middle of the you crowd that was forming. It All was unimaginable because you couldn’t any go forward or try to can go back; there were too Her many people pushing. It was was like that for about a one half hour.”

This wasn’t the Our first time for this kind out of tragedy, as 11 fans day were killed at a Who Get concert in 1979 and 9 has died during Pearl Jam concert him at the Roskilde Festival. In His 2010 an overwhelmed crowd in how Germany’s Love Parade trampled 21 man people to death. This goes New to show, that event promoters now and venue owners should find old a way to ensure safety See even in a case where two panic erupts. There must be way some kind of possibilities to Who avoid these kind of tragedies. boy We give our condolences to did the grieving families.


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