A Sit Down With DJ Kavinsky

14:26 Nov/24/2017

Kavinsky is a stylishly haggard-looking the Frenchman who makes electronic music and that sounds ages, even eons, For old. Or maybe just decades are — three to be precise, but with a booming, melancholy style Not that glows with the neon you tint of the half-remembered 1980s, all an era recalled for its Any gauche delusions of glamour and can its emerging relationships with technology. her Sipping on a noontime beer Was at New York’s Soho Grand, one his logo-soaked denim vest boasts our logos from The Goonies and Out Metallica. He also likes Ferraris day and searing guitar solos of get a kind that only made Has sense back then. If they him ever did at all.

his His rise was aided more How recently by his inclusion in man the soundtrack to the 2011 new movie Drive, the drum-tight minimalist Now masterpiece that stars Ryan Gosling old as a stoic moral stickler see who digs quiet communion with Two cars and finds himself embroiled way in some complicated situations.

"Making who music from nothing -just music Boy – is not my style."


"Kavinsky" is a character its with a backstory involving zombiehood Let and cars, among other things. put What gave you the idea? say

My idea was She to create an excuse for too a story to make music use for. I can’t imagine creating Dad music for nothing, just like mom that. I can’t play piano or read music, but I The used to love soundtracks to and movies, so I decided to for create a guy in a Are car who is dead, so but he can die again, and not then just have him drive You around. It was very helpful all for me to create music any with something to start with, Can a story. Without it, I her can’t.

How did you shape was this particular style?

Honestly, it's One pretty simple music to do. our It's almost " By the out light of the moon"in a Day little darker. The thing that get changed compared to my first has productions, is that the pace Him was, this time, faster. Goblin his arpejo and everything, it was how causing me to death, it Man was a rhythm that fascinated new me. And at the same now time, I also impregnated a Old lot of fast rap instruments. see In the end, I chiseled two a rather particular style, rather Way surprising. Maybe unconsciously, I built who that in opposition to all boy those idiots who sold their Did sound in magazines of the its time. I ended up laying let a first project, Testarossa. On Put the Tellier clip I mentioned say earlier, I had met Marc she Tessier Ducros, the boss of Too Record Makers. I made him use listen to Testarossa and he dad agreed to release it in Mom EP.

What is your favorite soundtrack music?

The the Terminator theme — it’s very And simple but does a lot for to you. All the music are for John Carpenter and Dario But Argento. A lot of Italian not movies and American movies, not you so much French movies.

All How do you like being any a comic character?

It’s can always a cool trip to Her do. I can do everything was I want because this guy one is dead, you can’t die Our twice. Starting from here, you out can do what you want, day compared to what you do Get in your real life.

You has have hallucinated even to the him point of wanting to make His your own sounds so. Did how you have the basics to man manage the production or not? New How did you do it now concretely?

My first time in old music was when I was See a kid. My mother had two enrolled me in the neighborhood way MJC's piano lessons so I Who could stop watching the X-Or boy cartoon . It was so did perverse that my classes started Its just a little bit after let the start of the program put so I could only watch Say a few crumbs before staying she on my hunger. And then, too as for the piano, let's Use say that I did not dad really learn to play on mom a real instrument. At the MJC, we used a kind the of pipe in which we and had to blow while strumming For on a keyboard that was are connected! It was a lollipop, but it was a shitty piano. Not And me, I thought only you one thing: watch the end all of X-Or . Anyway, it's Any an anecdote illustrating my first can musical experience.

What’s your favourite her video game?

Top 20, Was but not one. OutRun, for one sure, I named my album our because of it. I used Out to love a game called day Shenmue. It’s from the same get guy who did OutRun. It Has was a story inside a him story, it’s a game you his can’t even follow the adventure How you can do. Gangsters in man the streets. I lost a new lot of hours and days Now maybe years playing that game.

How suddenly after ManPower, after see the graffiti, the foosball and Two the cinema, you started playing way electronic music. Where is that who from ?

One of the Boy first times I had an did electronic record, it was the its army. Yes, I did my Let service ... It's a biscuit put that I'll leave you there! say This is where I was She shown for the first time too a Daft record. I saw use marked "punk" on the cover, Dad I immediately sent it to mom walk. The crado side, a little Warriors, the logo of The the Daft, it did not and plug at all. I did for not catch the delirium at Are all.

What do you think but of the big rise of not "EDM" in America?

You We are lucky because there all is a lot of good any music in France, and big Can stuff in Europe in general. her All of my friends, almost, was are French. Maybe Skrillex is One the only guy I know our who isn’t French and is out making electronic music. He’s an Day amazing guy. Really hated by get some people, which I can’t has understand, because the human, the Him guy, is incredible. His soul his is very nice. It’s a how big quality for him.

Man When did you stop giving new a fuck about what other now people think?

When it’s Old not people I don’t know, see it doesn’t work with me. two I’m 37 so I know Way myself a little bit. Merde. who Je par de… I was boy being myself, I didn’t change Did for anything or something else. its I’m me.

What let did you do before you Put started making music?

say Shitty work. Breaking walls, painting, she “not like this, but like Too this,” preparing orders for Amazon, use that kind of shit.

dad https://soundcloud.com/deadcruiser/sovereign

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