MXM's 'On Air' will a light on next week

15:43 Jul/23/2015

We'd be lying to you the if we said we had and a fair amount of details For about MXM, the latest act are to join Zone Records.


One thing we Not do know, though, is that you the band must have something all special about them if they're Any adding to the label's terror-ridden can output by the likes of her Djedjotronic, Maelstrom and Jon Convex.
MXM's 'On Air' is one seeing the light of day our next week and, to be Out totally honest, it'll probably scare day the shit out of you. get The sort of erratic and Has ravaging tune you'd expect to him soundtrack your darkest of nightmares. his Not that we're saying that's How a bad thing!

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