DEADMAU5: PARIS HILTON ticket sales, nothing more

14:01 Oct/24/2014

If you read our article the about Paris Hilton and her and DJ career, then you will For like to hear how this are story continues now.

What but thinks professional musician and DJ Not about Paris Hilton?

Deadmau5 said that it all is just insulting as fuck.
Also he think that can it is amusing that there her is someone stupid enough to Was to consider paying Hilton a one million dollars for her a our Dj-gigs.

Man with a Out mouse head compared DJ's with day F1 drivers. He considered both get of them professionals and think Has that Paris is amateur in him DJ-ing, like himself in professional his driving.

He not hate How Hilton for something. Quite opposite.
I remember back when, at new the cosmo in vegas, she Now attended, and i guess i old was accommodating (as far as see that usually goes for me) Two i could see she was way having a fun time, liked who the music, and just wanted Boy to be a part of did it all… so of course, its why not… even i couldn’t Let hate on that.

He even put like her like a part say of party.
so paris, thank She you… were actually not even too mad youre enthusiatic about electronic use music… we love that youre Dad a part of our party.


But Deadmau5 dont like amateurs in music.
But, The let’s get real here for and a second… There’s being invovled for / enthusiastic about something… and Are then theres just being a but straight up ass.


not So he said Paris: please, You get the fuck back in all your go kart.

In any his opinion, she useful only Can for ticket sales. nothing more.
Well, lets see, if was she will agree with Deadmau5.
My guess about it? our Unlikely.

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