Arcade button not working

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Arcade button not working
Posted on: 20.12.2011 by Twyla Tornabene
THe 8th right most arcade button just stopped working. When that button is pressed, there is no data light LED flashing on the unit nor any data read by Traktor. How can I fix or resolve this ASAP?
Twyla Tornabene
THe 8th right most arcade button just stopped working. When that button is pressed, there is no data light LED flashing on the unit nor any data read by Traktor. How can I fix or resolve this ASAP?
Twyla Tornabene
It was pretty easy to get to the button end of the wiring and all looked fine there. The other end was under a circuit board though.

Can someone tell me what midi note that button is at least so I can remap it for the time being? (8th button, right most side)

Lucile Sanita
Take it apart and check the wiring. Might be a bad connection or something.

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